Licence to Perform Rigging Basic Level
Looking for a quality training programme in Sydney that will help you obtain your rigger ticket as soon as possible? Let the professional trainers at YRT coach you towards your goals! In just a week, our rigging training will teach you how to perform basic rigging work that will ultimately lead to your rigger ticket and licence. Read below to learn more about our course in Sydney.
Rigging Training Course Content
Our rigging training course specifies the outcomes required to perform basic rigging work associated with movement of plant and equipment, steel erections, hoists (including mast climbing hoists), placement of pre-cast concrete, safety nets and static lines, perimeter safety screens and shutters; and cantilever crane loading platforms to meet the requirements of SafeWork NSW for RB (Rigging Basic) licence.
A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to provide evidence of the ability to: comply with OHS/WHS licensing legislation, effectively communicate and work safely with others in the work area, effectively conduct risk assessment and management procedures, effectively complete the following tasks: –
- inspection of all plant and equipment, and
- installation of a fall arrest system (Static line), and
- use of a safety harness / fall arrest system, and
- installation of crane loading platforms and
- installation of a safety net, and
- installation of a shutter and safety screen, and
- demonstrated ability to work safely at heights, and
- erection of structural steel, and
- erection of precast panel, and
- set up and operation of a winch for load movement, and
- installation of a materials hoist, or
- installation of a mast climber.
effectively demonstrate the following knots, bends and hitches:-
- Sheet bend,
- Becket hitch,
- Running bowline,
- Double bowline.
effectively demonstrate the following splices and whippings:-
- Eye splice,
- Back splice,
- Short splice,
- Sail makers whipping,
- Common whipping,
- West countryman’s
Our rigging training course specifies the outcomes required to perform basic rigging work associated with movement of plant and equipment, steel erections, hoists (including mast climbing hoists), placement of pre-cast concrete, safety nets and static lines, perimeter safety screens and shutters; and cantilever crane loading platforms to meet the requirements of SafeWork NSW for RB (Rigging Basic) licence.
Book Now
Contact us for the next available course by calling 1300 798 012 or email info@yrt.edu.au


NSW – 84 Burrows Road Alexandria
WA – Unit 1/8 Roy Street Welshpool