Enrol Today - Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (over 100 Tonnes)
Course Description
This course specifies the skills and knowledge required to safely operate a slewing mobile crane with a maximum rated capacity (MRC) over 100 tonnes, in accordance with all relevant legislative responsibilities. Competence in this unit, does not in itself result in a High-Risk Work Licence (HRWL) to operate this plant.
A person undertaking this unit must hold:
- a current National HRWL to perform dogging or a current certification for a specific VET course for HRWL to perform dogging that has been issued by, or on behalf of a WHS Regulator
- a current National HRWL to operate a Slewing Mobile crane (up to 60 Tonnes), and current industry experience operating a slewing mobile crane of greater than 20t and up to 60t competently for at least 2 years.
Slewing mobile crane means a mobile crane incorporating a boom or jib that can be slewed, but does not include:
- a front-end loader or
- a backhoe or
- an excavator or
- other earth moving equipment, when configured for crane operation.
A person performing this work is required to hold a slewing mobile crane with an MRC over 100 tonnes HRWL.
This unit requires a person operating a slewing mobile crane with an MRC over 100 tonnes to:
- plan for the work/task
- prepare for the work/task
- perform work/task
- pack up